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... or on both time and fime axes simultaneously as on the above model, thus achieving a what we may call "Bipresentation" (to distinguish it from the relation where the LN-axis is presented only on time-axis). This last relation is the key relation to the fulfillment of the seemingly illogical relation that was described previously .The above model provides the answer to how such relation is in fact a very logical one.

Here is the explanation of the above Time-Fime model :

It appears that LN-axis moves unconventionally in this model. It moves in it with a velocity which could be called "Time-Fime Velocity" (the concept of velocity here is denoting to that distance on time axis (hence a period of time) which LNs "travel" from a given point to another one during a given unit of time, and it is obvious here that that distance and the given period of time is a same thing! But what is "Time-Fime Velocity"?

"Time-Fime Velocity" denotes to that relationship which appears when the LN-axis moves from any start position (the first purple axis) for a certain length of time (the orange colored path on the time-axis), and it also moves the exactly same length on fime (the orange colored part of the fime-axis). So we end up with the LN-axis being present on two different points in time after starting the movement from one single point. This could be called "Bipositioning".

Bipositioning of LNs enables the life energy to to interact with another life energy that is present on different point in time (Breaking through Time). Thus precognition is in this way no more than a telepathic contact between a person who lives for example now and another who lives in the future, a near or a distant future, and perhaps a telepathic contact between a person and himself in two different points in time. Remembering a past life is, according to the same principle, also a telepathic contact between a person who is living now and a person who lived some time ago resulting in that the "receiving person" thinks that he/she lived before! Both phenomena are expressions of what could be called "Across Time Telepathy". However it should be stressed here that telepathy should be a proved phenomenon, and this is exactly what certain experiments have done. But a lot of work is still has to be done.

When Mind Travels Faster Than Body
(Why Across Time Telepathy is Possible ?)

[N.B. Scientific study of consciousness-related physical phenomena has been going on at several universities around the world. One of the most interesting programs is PEAR Program at Princeton University.]

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