What is Fime Theory ?

 The Spiral Universe  Fime Theory
 The Fifth Dimension

 Colors WHAT IS FIME THEORY ?  Colors

These are not deductions from previously mentioned observations, but actual models that have been obtained by curving a horizontal time axis producing a circle of time, then breaking and twisting the circle in its plane , thus resulting in a helix.

Graphic Presentation of The Fifth Dimension

All The Graphics on One Page

Fime Animation

 Time - Fime Cone
An example



All the building blocks of the microuniverse and the macrouniverse have either a spiral or a helical or a spiral-helical structure and / or behaviour.
The classical examples are the DNA molecule (Image) and Milky Way Galaxy (Image).

Hypotheses about the implications on time:

The fourth dimension of the universe, Time is spiral / helical.

The universe has a fifth dimension, Fime ( from Fifth and Time ).

Time and fime form a geometric model in which time is the helix and fime is the central axis of the helix.

Because the universe is expanding, the time helix forms a Time-Fime Cone.

Hypoteses about mechanisms and consequences:

 Colors Any given amount of mass or energy is presented either on time axis only, or on fime axis only, or on both of them simultaneously, that is to say having a Bipresentation.

 Colors Bipresentation is associated with Time-Fime Velocity. This means that the bipresented mass, energy or their combination "moves" exactly the same "distance" on time as on fime, from the point of the beginning of the bipresentation. This in turn leads to Bipositioning of the same mass, energy, or their combination on two different points in time (and fime).

 Colors Many of the so called supernatural and parapsychological phenomena are completely explainable by this dynamic interrelation of mass and energy on the helical time-fime model. This interrelation creates a sort of a bypass (shortcut). Precognition is thus no more than an Across Time Telepathy, and people who "remember a past life" have actually experienced telepathy with people who lived "a long time ago".

When Mind Travels Faster Than Body
(Why Across Time Telepathy is Possible ?)

[N.B. Scientific study of consciousness-related physical phenomena has been going on at several universities around the world. One of the most interesting programs is PEAR Program at Princeton University.]

 Colors Traveling Through Time is possible and its mechanism is explainable in detail by the dynamic interrelation of mass and energy on the helical time-fime model. The involved technology should aim at artificially inducing a bipresentation of matter and energy. It also involves establishing control over the Depresentation from time and the Representation on it in a future point. It looks like the dream of flying for our ancestors!

Other Concepts of Time Travel

 Colors The fifth dimension being added to Einstein's Time-Space Model results in a "wider" model: a Time-Space-Fime Model , and in a 5D-Universe.

The Concept of Higher Dimensions in Physics
is presented on the next page

[ Censored Physics ]

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