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If we plot time on a horizontal axis and LN units which participate in the execution of , for example precognition, on a vertical axis, we will obtain the above relationship and model.

What is LN ?

It is obvious that phenomena that involve breaking through time, such as precognition (foretelling events) should be mediated by a form of energy. This process should involve a transfer of this energy across a sort of bypass (shortcut). This transferred energy has obviously a relation to the energy that is ordinarily generated in the body, including the brain, via various chemical reactions; the so called "metabolism". If we manage to sum up all the different forms of energy that are present within a living organism, whether these energies are measurable or not by our current technology, we will end up with a general term which is "Life Energy". We can assign a unit of measurement to this energy. We can call it "Leen", from "LifE ENergy", and we can abbreviate it as "LN". This unit is obviously convertible to the general unit of energy in physics, the joule.


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