Maoris and The Big Bang

 The Spiral Universe  Fime Theory
 The Fifth Dimension


One of the brightest examples of
"Knowledge which defies the chronological order or the chronological border"
can be seen in the culture of Maori people.

Maori Poi Dance

Maoris are the original inhabitants of New Zealand.According to their religious beliefs, the universe evolved out of a void of nothingness. After endless ages of darkness the light came and revealed the sky and the earth. The sky father and the earth mother were pressed close together and their many children lived in the cramped darkness between them. One son, Taane, forced his parents apart and propped the sky father high above the earth mother. Light flooded in, and each of the sons took up his tasks as god of some aspect of the natural world.

What could the universe creation concept of maoris be other than the Big Bang , according to the Dynamic Knowledge Principle , and what could the spiral configuration which appears very frequently on Maori artifacts, paintings, carvings and facial tatooing be other than the Time-Fime Spiral , which bears in its configuration the concept of the Big Bang and of the expansion of the universe.

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