Censored Physics of The I Principle

 The Spiral Universe  Fime Theory
 The Fifth Dimension

Censored Physics of The I Principle

Does Vacuum Exist ?
How Many Dimensions Does Energy Have ?
How Can We Curve Space ?
How Can We Curve Time ?
An Eye Can Not See Itself - The I Principle
Higher Dimensional Physics & Fime


Does Vacuum Exist ?

Let's consider the following logical sequence :

If something, for example a car, which has a certain mass, is parked in the garage, it is occupying a space. This space is defined by the three dimensions length, width and depth.

If the car is moved from the previously mentioned space, that space should be occupied by somethimg else, for example air. This air has the same dimensions as the car had.

If something is not occupieng that space then it should be nothingness.

Nothingness, by definition, has neither length, width nor depth.

Then if there is space, that's to say length, width and depth, there should be something occupying that space.

If that is a law then vacuum does not exist, because it occupies space.

If vacuum does not exist then there should be something that exists in its space, a something that we can not detect by our technology.

Let's speculate and say that it is aether (is it the dark matter of the universe?) which scientists try to detect.

If aether does exist then it can "acquire" infinite shapes in the space.

The above conclusions about mass should be combined with the next ones about energy.




How Many Dimensions Does Energy Have ?

If we look at Einstein's equation E=mc², and if we try to look at the equation from a qualitative point if view by assigning dimensions to the equation, we will deduce the following "Dimensional Relationship of Energy":

Energy = Mass x (The Speed of Light)²

If we express the mass and the speed of light in dimensions then

Energy Dimensions = Length x Width x Depth x ( Length / Time )² or

Energy Dimensions = Dimension x Dimension x Dimension x ( Dimension / Dimension )²

If anything devided by itself results in 1 then

Energy Dimensions = Dimension x Dimension x Dimension x ( 1 )² or

Energy Dimensions = Dimension x Dimension x Dimension or

Energy Dimensions = Dimension³

The above conclusions should be combined with the previous ones about mass. That results in the following.



Curved Space

How Can We Curve Space ?

From the above two sets of conclusions we can deduce that space is no more than the "expression" of the mass and energy. This is probably why the space can be bent. The presence of something filling the vacuum would make life easier in this context.

But how time can be bent?


How Can We Curve Time ?

Let's analyze the difference between a photo and a movie as a five year old child does. Julia answers the following when she is confronted by that question:

- A photo is movements frozen in time.
Thank you Julia, but what is time? Julia looks at a clock on the wall and says:
- It is the movement of the clock.
Julia has associtaed time with motion twice. If we think about these answers and try to develop that concept by comparing a photo to a movie, we will find that a movie is full of life because it brings a large number of multiple lifeless frames into motion, and hence giving us the feeling of the passage of the time in the movie versus the lifeless image of a photo.

The association of time with motion seems to be very significant and crucial in the understanding of the nature of time. It is very difficult to imagine that we could measure time if the sand grains of an hourglass did not fall, the mechanism of the clock did not move etc.. Without motion time could neither be felt nor measured. Hence time is an "expression" of motion.

But motion in nature does not follow a straight line. So, there should not be any contradiction in the statement that time, which is the "expression" of motion can be bent.

3D Clock by Bennet


Cat's Eye Nebula

© 1998 Marilynn Flynn
The painting shows "Cat’s Eye Nebula", NGC 6543, as seen by Hubble Space Telescope.
The added planet in this scene shows the effects of having had its surface and atmosphere
blasted by the exploding stars.

An Eye Can Not See Itself

By combining the above two concepts, that's to say space as the "expression" of the mass and energy, and time as the "expression" of motion, we can reach the following conclusions:

1. Space is the impression that we get by observing the different interrelations of mass and energy which are present around and within us.

2. Time is the impression that we get by observing the relative motion of mass and energy.

3. We can not and we will not be able to comprehend the real nature of matter, energy, the three dimensions of space, the fourth dimension time and the other potential dimensions, such as fime, we are only able to define their effects but not their true nature. We are made up of these concepts and we are integrated into them. We are like an eye which can not see itself. It can see other eyes and it can see its reflection in the mirror, but it can in no circumstances see itself, never ever.

This principle could be called "The I Principle"; I=Incomprehension or I=Eye.


Higher Dimensional Physics & Fime

Dimensions, including the three dimensions of space and the temporal dimension time can not be considered as physical entities as such, but rather the "Relationship Fabric" that reflects the expression of the fabric of the mass and energy. Such definition does provide the ground for the existence of other dimensions, higher dimensions or hyperspace. The concept of higher dimensions emerged in the middle of the 19th century, and it gained new life toward the end of the 20th century.

Fime Theory presents the fifth dimension, Fime, as the temporal or chronological dimension which contributes with time and space to the interrelations of the mass-energy fabric of our universe.



Sumerians & Time

 Arguments and Images